In the year 2000, in the closest election in American history, Alice Blackwell's husband becomes...
Prosperous, good-looking and empty inside, 28-year-old advertising executive David Bell appears...
Prosperous, good-looking and empty inside, 28-year-old advertising executive David Bell appears...
This book an accessible introduction, with discussions of numerous
authors and works...
This work constitutes an attempt to provide Polish students of English with a succinct and simple...
Książka jest pierwszym tomem z trzytomowej edycji nowej antologii literatury angielskiej...
The Restoration, The Age of Reason, Romanticism, Victorian Period.
This work constitutes an attempt to provide Polish students of English with a succinct and simple...
analizai interpretacja dzieła literackiego, przykłądowe arkusze maturalne, poziom podstawowy...
The latest magnificent creation from the award-winning author of Cryptonomicon and the Baroque...
Artists have been studying and learning through anatomy, the science of the physical structure of...
Arthur Dent's accidental association with that wholly remarkable book THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO...
This is a hardboiled crime novel, and a true story. In 1944, Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs...
Andreuccio e un giovane mercante di cavalli. Un bel giorno va a Napoli per comprare cavalli con...
Dobry żart tynfa wart! To prawda, jeśli umiemy żartować i śmiać się |nie tylko z innych. Wtedy...